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Writer's pictureEureka Robertson

Petty or Pretty. Which "r" you?

Petty or Pretty. Similar in spelling yet with one letter becomes very different in meaning. Incites inconsideration, encourages envy and nurtures negativity. Or, shines for God through actions and reflects His love in the spirit and the heart. Which “r” you? There is nothing attractive about a pretty person with ugly ways. This always reminds me of the old saying "Pretty is as pretty does."

Often times, someone will say that God told them or laid something on their heart. Yet this is just an excuse to use God's name in their own desire to be petty. At any given time, we all have those moments of pettiness. Of "not so kind" thoughts. Or even those feelings that mirror jealousy or even envy. But for some- being petty is a way of life. It's so ingrained within, they don't even realize they are like this. It's similar to habitual liars. They no longer know the difference between the truth and untruth. But you can't expect God to bless you if you are not walking in the image that He created you to be. How you act affects your attractiveness regardless of what your appearance reveals.


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